Next.js SaaS Starter Kits

A collection of SaaS Starter Kits built with Next.js.


The SaaS starter template for Next.js and Supabase.


The React SaaS Starter to launch ideas in record time. Save months of work and focus on building a profitable business.


NextJs SaaS code which includes all the essential features that you need to launch fast.


The NextJS boilerplate with all you need to build your SaaS, AI tool, or any other web app. From idea to production in 5 minutes.


Supaboost is a SaaS starter kit that saves you 30 days development time, using Supabase, Next.js, Lemonsqueezy and Shadcn/ui.

Enterprise Ready SaaS Kit

Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - Kickstart your enterprise app development with Next.js SaaS Starter Kit.


The modern full-stack Next.js & GraphQL boilerplate with user authentication, subscription payments, teams, etc.


Build your SaaS faster with Next.js + Serverless. The fastest way to build scalable and production-ready SaaS products.


An open-source starter kit built with modern full-stack technologies. Worry less and save time developing basic SaaS features


NextBase is a powerful, production-ready Next.js 13+ & Supabase boilerplate for professional developers.

Serverless SaaS

Serverless SaaS is a starter kit that serves as the perfect starting point for your SaaS product.

Ship SaaS

Build your SaaS in a weekend with a Next.js SaaS boilerplate.


The fastest way to launch Supabase apps with NextJS. Free and open source.