Laravel SaaS Starter Kits

A collection of SaaS Starter Kits built with Laravel.

Laravel Spark

Laravel Spark is the complete recurring billing solution for Laravel. A starter-kit for your next great SaaS application.


Larakits is the perfect starting point for your next Laravel app. Skip the boilerplate setup and build your app faster.


Multi-tenant SaaS boilerplate. An application skeleton on top of which you can build your multi-tenant SaaS.


Laravel React Starter Kit for SaaS Applications. Laravel and React never played nicer together.


Wave is the ultimate Software as a Service Starter Kit packed with features like authentication, subscriptions, invoices, announcements, user profiles, and so much more!


Nana is a Laravel starter kit with subscriptions, invoices, default pages, tests, pipelines, development tooling and deployment solutions.


Electrik is a free and open-source Laravel starterkit that gives you everything you need to start building a SaaS product.